Tuesday, October 23, 2012

And now, after the third debate...

I tried to watch last night's third and final debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, really I did, but I just couldn't.

Mitt was stuttering and stammering as he agreed with Barack, and Barack was smug, sanctimonious and self-righteous as he made some comment about how he personally had made sure we didn't give weapons to people who didn't like us in the Middle East.  Since there's a fair amount of evidence that exactly that kind of thing occurred (Benghazi, just to name one), I switched channels to watch Humans vs. Zombies.  It was more realistic and less cheezy.

I did scan the post-debate debriefs.  Chris Matthews looked like the tingle was back (or maybe that was just the meth really starting to kick, he was a little glassy-eyed), Rachel Maddow was had that half-smirk/half-turd-under-my-nose look that passes for happy with her, and Al Sharpton looked like a bobble-head on MSNBC.

Just as an aside, what's wrong with Al?  Either he's had big-time gastric bypass, is on some truly harsh diet, or he's got something chewing on him, either cancer or AIDS or some such.  Al, dude, kudos on loosing all the weight, but really, time to eat something.  Have some fried chicken or a sandwich, please.

On Fox Biz, Cavuto was his usual pleasant, neutral self, but appeared somber. Regular Fox, just like MSNBC, was completely in the tank for 'their guy', no surprises there.  Over on CNN-you know, the cable network nobody watches anymore-Jon King was talking about how both men did fairly well.  Back on Fox, Chris Wallace made the comment that Romney looked like an incumbent defending a strong lead, and Obama looked like a scrappy challenger coming on hard.  Well, since that matches what the recent polls are showing, I guess Obama actually decided to show up for this one.

I suspect that Barry hasn't played a lot of golf the last few weeks while his handlers crammed all the talking points into his head.  Maybe one of these days, Mitt can take some time off to get some elocution lessons and speech therapy.

So, I suspect the debate was pretty much a draw.  We'll have to see what the polls do in another few days.  Regardless, I think it's clear that Goldman Sachs will be taken care of for the next few years.

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